Out of Left Field.

Sean McAuliffe
4 min readNov 14, 2020

2020 was ours to sweep…and we didn’t. Again.

This election’s “blue wave” turned out to be more of a puddle, if I’m honest. The real problem is that the Democratic Party just doesn’t seem to understand why, so let me make it perfectly clear — Dems, it’s our own fault.

We can’t win Congressional elections because we can’t get it together. We’re soft, we’re out of touch, and we still can’t wrap our heads around the fact that Twitter is not an accurate reflection of the country.

There, I said it.

Let’s go back to the 2020 Democratic Primary, complete with not one, not two, but 23 candidates.

The Baby Bunch. (photo courtesy of abc.net.au)

Not only did our primary election have more unpleasant options than a McDonald’s menu, our candidates spent more time bickering amongst themselves and back-peddling than anything else. As a result, we looked weak, we look disorganized, and most importantly we looked like we didn’t deserve to be in the White House…and voters agreed.

This year, we almost did it again. (In certain Congressional elections, we did.)

Seriously, Democrats? We can barely beat the party that believes in Q Anon?

Yep. We almost managed to look more ridiculous than this guy. (photo courtesy of NBC)

In a previous article, I mentioned that the downfall of the Democratic Party is an obsession with their fetishization of being offended. Not only is this still true, it’s pushing voters away in droves.

With all of the extremist voices taking over the GOP, all the Democrats have to do is be the calm, grounded voice of reason. That’s it.

Instead, we scream at people to apologize for everything, then we cancel them. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of things going on in the world today that should be cancelled: racism and sexism, for example, aren’t things that should be tolerated. Most Americans (save for some very vocal fringe groups) agree with that.

Going after someone for something they said in middle school, crying for safe spaces because someone disagrees with you, or cancelling speakers entirely for having different ideas? That crosses a line — be who you want, think what you want, identify as what you want, etc. But to what extent do you have the right to force everyone else to partake in your self-image? The world is not a safe space, at some point you have to toughen up and learn to deal with different opinions.

Don’t agree with that? Then you my friend, are a bigot in the eyes of the Democratic Party, and while they’re busy screaming at you...

…the GOP beckons.

That’s why people think both parties are equally as bad, when in reality, that’s just simply not true. For example, one party believes in global warming and sides with the vast majority of scientists, one party argues that global warming isn’t real according to the snowball they brought to Congress.

Frosty the Slow Man. (photo courtesy of CNN)

Honestly, Democrats, if we can’t look rational compared to this we don’t deserve to win an election, ever.

Now is not the time to carry on with cancel culture, or maintain lists of people who voted for Trump, or label people as bigots while our country crumbles around us. Fixing that needs bipartisan support, which means we have to appeal to the more rational GOP members and their voter base.

Go back to being the common sense party, the party that protected people instead of protecting feelings. It’s not like we don’t have the numbers on our side:

Graphic courtesy of The JEC

Even leading economists agree:

“The answer, while hardly a secret, is not nearly as widely known as it should be. The U.S. economy performs much better when a Democrat is president than when a Republican is.” — Alan Blinder and Mark Watson, Economists, Princeton University

So why aren’t we talking about this more?! Instead, our party screams about cancelling Baby Yoda over genocide.

I wish this was a joke. It’s not. (Photo courtesy of Wired)

The Democratic Party needs to grow up, plain and simple. With Biden in the White House, our next focus needs to be the 2022 Congressional Elections and at the current path we’re on, we’re going to lose. Bigly.

I think it’s time to cancel being an idiot, lord knows this country is tired of being run by them.



Sean McAuliffe

Politically fed up, so I come here to write about it.